Thursday 28 May 2015

Preformance Evaluation

The Multimedia we used were:
  • Projections/filmed footage 
  • Recorded Sound/Speech
  • Light and sound from a phone
  • Live feed
  • Music 
 How did multimedia enhance the overall performance? 

I think the multimedia enhanced the performance by helping the audience to understand the play. The multimedia brought a sense of atmosphere and a more modern take on an ancient play. By making the play visually interesting,the audience could sit back and let their other senses take in the play instead of focusing on the speech, something that can be dull and difficult to get to grips with, especially with a Greek play.

What impact do you think it had on the audience and why?

By engaging with the audiences senses in different way, it effects the way they will view and take in the play. By using multimedia, the audience may relate and reflect in a different and deeper sense as it brings it into their reality. Multimedia such as phones and footage is widely used and recognised thought modern society, by presenting Antigone in this format brings the issues and concepts that feature in the play significant to our society. The play is no longer something of the past that has no relevance and is to be ignored, via multimedia issues such as family relationships, religion and suicide are brought into life and to attention. This would hopefully evoke some reflections and thoughts in the minds of the audience, creating and emotional connection and furthered awareness with Antigone, the issues raised and the world in which we live in.

Would the performance have been as effective without the multimedia? 

I don't think this play would have been as effective without the presence of multimedia within the play. Greek plays are often associated with dry, boring and long winded texts, without the multimedia to bring the text alive and into our modern society a lot of the concepts within the play would have been lost on the audience as there would have beenan overload of speech and infomation. When this happens the watching the play becomes a sort of task rather than an enjoyable enverning, as you are spending a lot of time and energy trying to work out whats going on on stage. Witht the use of multimedia, this isnt needed as the audience can let the information flow around them because it comes in the form of a multimedia, ie a video. This is a lot easier to take in and therefore makes the experience more enjoyable and gives the audience space to think about other things within the play.

Which moment of multimedia was most effective and why?

I think the most effective piece of multimedia was this video -> The fact it was projected onto the whole wall and not just a projection screen gave it 10x more effect. It almost seemed overwhelming and it took the space immediately. The sound of the video was also very loud, having an even larger impact on the audience. The footage was also very dynamic and interesting to look at, it seemed qquite vague and action packed, immedialty making me wonder what its about and how it fits into the play. I also thought that this video represented the dramatic element of the play correctly, the video, combined with the volume of the sound and hight of the video, gave a lot of suspense in the lead up to the end of the play. 

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