Thursday 28 May 2015

Effectiveness and Use Of Multimedia

Scenes from Antigone:

Multimedia used and locations
How did the multimedia in each scene enhance the performance?
1. Creon announces that Eteocles will be honoured and Polynices will be shamed and left un-buried.
Video to be shown on screen in reception.
Creon is set up to have ALL power by showing his unquestionable authority through a video. This sets up the play as you can't argue to interact with a video, it demostrates you aren't allowed or even have the power to speak your mind.

2. Antigone goes to Ismene to persuade her to assist the burial of their brother. Ismene refuses. 
By the tree - video shown of the thoughts of the characters.
A multimedia form of thought tracking. It represents the difference between what the public really think and what they chose to present as what they think. 

3. Antigone goes to bury her brother.
Round of wooden stumps.
The police tape makes the scene seem more relastic and enforces the barrier betweent he audience and the police and polynicies body. The round stumps also divide these two groups of people even further, enforcing how Creon rules with an iron fist.

4. Creon looks for the support of the chorus of Theban Elders in his  decision to leave Polynices unburied.
Creon announces from fire escape door of 415 - chorus round the tree looking up. Audience looking up also.
Creon is given an omnipresent power of being able to evade citizen's minds whenever he wishes. This sets up his character. The megaphone sends Creons message through out the school, creating this idea that Creons thoughts and rules are always with you and in every corner of the city. The fact that Creon is standing high up on the fire escape also adds to his high stautus and authority.

5. A Sentry reports the burial of Polynices. Creon insists that the Sentry finds out who or face death.
Filmed footage of event is shown on screen top of stairs. Sentry talking to Creon.
Creon is given an omnipresent power of being able to evade citizen's minds whenever he wishes. This sets up his character. The looping footage creates the feeling that these thoughts are being replayed over and over again in Creons mind and is constatntly being drilled into your mind over and over again. It shows Creons restlessness and how hes will is all that is ever heard.

6. Chorus sing about honouring gods.
From the yard up to windows of 413
Recorded chorus played. 
The chorus is directed high up to the audience. It gives the audience the sense of looking down on the public as if they were the Gods that the chprus talk about. It also makes us, the chorus, seem small and pitiful, exactly how the public would have seem to Creon.
7. Sentry returns with the Culprit: Antigone. Creon confronts her.
Burst into 413 - audience turn to see.
Lighting used.
The lightning adds a dramatic effect as if the presence of Antigone signifies a storm that is approhing. This foreshadows the drama and deaths to come.
8. Creon confronts Ismene. Ismene tries to confess but Antigone won't allow it. And in the end, the two sisters are imprisoned.
Still in 413 but Creon live speaks to a projected Ismene. Antigone is walked out the room and joins the real Ismene - escorted off.
Lighting used 
The projected Ismene gives the idea that she is trapped and isn't showing who she truley is. This links to how she tries to cover for Antigone yet wont stand up to Creon, the project shows how Creon controls her and minipultaes her.
9. Haemon both pledges allegiance to his father, Creon, and asks that Antigone be spared. After the discussion deteriorates, Haemon storms out vowing never to speak to him again.
Traverse in 413 - iphone lights as the two talk. Throughout confrontation, lights go out, one by one.
The lights going out signifys that this pledge of Heamons to his father wont last long, this is followed by Heamon storming and vowing never to speak to his father again, enforcing the feeling of trouble to come.
10. Creon choses to spare Ismene, and to bury Antigone alive. As she is dragged out, the chorus express their Sorrow.
One light left on Creon's face. Sound of s body being dragged...etc. 

Projection and video used 
The light on Creons face means you cannot see Antigone being carried out. This shows how Creon covers up Antigones death and still commands that the spotlight be on him.
11. Tiresias attempts to advise Creon that what he is doing is wrong and that the Gods are angry. The prophecy of a dead son is mentioned.
Tiresias never moves his mouth but what he says coupled with weird underscore is played through speakers of 415.
Projected video played 
The speakers show how Tiresiases prophacies are all around Creon and that he cannot escape what is to come.
12. The chorus, terrified, begs him to take Tiresias' advice. Shaken, Creon agrees to release Antigone and bury Polynices.
As many chorus as possible fill cavities of 415 and urge Creon. Three doors and side grated window thing.
To me the chorus seemed to represent the idea of a gaurdian angel or the voies inside your head telling you what to do.
13. Chorus deliver a choral ode to the god Dionysus.

As creon goes it free Antigone then he has chosen to give into her religious beliefs. The ode to the Gods enchances that.
14. Messenger informs Eurydice of Haemon and Antigone's death.
Filmed footage on repeat of Haemon stabbing himself and Antigone hanging, swinging from a branch.
The video represents an image that Eurydice will carry with her forever and it will always be a part of her and never forgotten. This may also be reflected in the audience as the footage may also be imprinted in their minds.
15. Carrying the body of his dead son Haemon, Creon is then met by a 2nd messenger informing him of Eurydice's death.
Audience back outside looking at tree. Creon walking through the courtyard, holding Heamon, confronted by messenger at the tree. Chorus look down from 415.
It ends with Creon on his own yet most of the chorus are scattered around, just not present with him. It shows how now Creon is on his own forever, even though his loved ones are present they will never be with him in the same way.

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