Sunday 26 April 2015

Set Design Project

Set Design Project

This is the design for the backdrop of the stage. I decided to set this version of Antigone in Proscinium Arch, meaning that only the back and side walls need to be covered with a set. The reason for this  is that Antigone is quiet a hard play to coprehend and the themes raised can be extremly hard to come to terms with. Therefore I thought it would be better to stage it in a traditional staging so they can focus on the play and not on the staging. Some people find it difficult to concentate on the play if they are being introduced to new things. So the staging is standered to draw their focus to the play and its context. My version of Antigone is set outside Camdam Town tube station and is the story is based in a gang. Camden seemed the ideal place to set it as Camden is a well known party and gang area for young people. This makes the play more relatable to young people as they are usually the ones who struggle to understand acient plays like Antigone. Some young people may have even had experience in gangs and thereofre the dynamics of the play and of the community that its set in will be easier to get to grips with. Creon will of course be the leader of that gang and therefore have all power.
Camden Town Station
Camdan also is a place that has two sides to it. There is the market during the day, that's bouncy and entertaining. Then there the night life of Camdan. This relates to Creons character as you have the public view of Creon where he's forceful and in charge. Then there's the private view of Creon that can be seen having hissy fits and so on. The colous of the set are mostly greys and dull colours. This seems to reflect the depressing side of London that is often hidden. However fun and amazing it may seem to tourists, it can be a place of poverty and unhappiness. This contrasts with the bright colous in the tube sign, a symbol that is widley recongnised by foreginers. It's again showing the contrast of things that are broadcasted for the public and things that are hidden from the public. There is also graffiti on the walls. This represents the people's voice. Graffiti is often used to express your concerns as it's difficult to identify the speaker and it's not direct. This
The type of gang Antigone is set in
makes it easier for modern youths to relate because probably some of them will have participated in graffiti, and therefor voiced there thoughts. The blank rectangle in the centre will be a space that goes further down into the space, it will have more depth than the rest of the stage. This will be where most people can enter and exit from, it represents the entrance to the tube station. This is also symbolic as entering the tube station is something that will take you on a journey and you don't always know where you will end up. The characters the enter or exit from there are constantly on a journey and the audience can connect with that journey as if it was their own. Scene can also happen in that space ifyouths  want to separate that scene from the majority of the play. Things like a prison for example would happen in that space because it's this idea of being separate from society. 

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