Monday 6 April 2015

Multimedia - Live Feed and Garage Band

In that lesson we also looked at live feed and garage band. Both of which would be very useful tools when devising our sections. Live feed is when you are filming the footage that is being played on the stage in that moment. Its not prerecorded. You can use this devise is so many ways to create lots of different effects. One way of using live feed is too be present on the stage as you film so the audience can acknowledge your role. This creates a great effect as the audience are looking in onto what looks like a film set. Its abstract and whether or not the audience chooses to accept the cameraman as part of the play is their choice. Live feed enables you to bring different locations or situations to the stage. An example we looked a in class is creating the effect of a video chat. You could be up on stage filming one end of the video chat as its being played onto a projector screen while another person talks to the screen as if they were on skype. This creates a barrier between the two characters on stage as they aren't physically interacting with each other. Garage band can be used to create music or sound effects that are specific to what you want. It allows you to create something that fits your piece exactly that you may not have been able to find if you had looked at prerecorded songs or sound tracks. It also means you can create the sounds of a guitar or piano without physically bringing a piano into the room which would cost money and would need a certain level of skill in order to play it. Garage band means you can create all the desired sounds with ease as you don't have to use a professional recording studio.

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